Thursday, July 30, 2009

Nine Days

Today is my second last day of work, I'm feeling kind of strange these past few weeks, kind of like I am floating above my body watching this movie about a girl who's planning on leaving behind everything she knows and venture on this amazing adventure by moving to the other side of the world, and whilst I'm watching this movie I'm secretly jealous that I'm not that girl thats leaving. Except this time I am the girl that is leaving, in 9 days to be exact.

Anxious, Excited, Scared are all words that spring to mind when I think about how I'm feeling about leaving Australia for the first time (except for Bali for 10 days, but that's hardly the same thing)- but I think mainly I'm just happy. Happy that I'm getting out, happy that I'm finally embarking on something that I've always wanted to do. Amongst all the changing goals of wanting to be a Lawyer, then a journalist, then a doctor, then a teacher- travelling has always been there and now I am doing it! Now I'm about to break out and see this big wide world. Well in 9 days anyway (-:

Friday, July 24, 2009

Today's Wish

Today I wish this was me...

And I was here...

Whilst drinking these...

With this adorable fellow...

Your face makes mine smile

Friday, July 17, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Little Creatures

A few weeks ago Bryan and me went to Little Creatures Brewery in Fremantle- I like little creatures, it apparently used to be a crocodile farm years ago and now it brews some of the finest beers there is in Perth (Bright Ale being my favourite) and has some of the tastiest vegetarian nachos around. Plus a man who looks like he may be a real pirate works there- and any place that has pirates working for them is a bonus in my books!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Dress me up

Last Saturday night my mumsy celebrated her 48th birthday by having a dress up party, which did have a theme- but nobody really seemed to stick to it. I was supposed to be a modern day Marie Antoinette, but kind of failed and people kept asking if I was trying to be Marilyn Monroe. Me, Em, Sinead and Lana left for the city at about 11 to go to the Moon, Amps and Republic Bar- by 3 it had become apparent that I had drank a little to much as my head was throbbing, so it was off home to bed- where I later had nightmares that a gang was trying to kidnap me. Scary stuff.

Not so Marie Antoinette

Sinead had a wonderful mask
Jess was a Clockwork Orange
Lana was a kitty cat, em was a flapper

Friday, July 10, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dance Magic

Labyrinth has been one of my favourite movies since I was a little girl. I used to think that one day Jareth the Goblin King was going to come and find me and take me to the Labyrinth, except in my story at the end when he said to me “I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave”, I would accept and stay with him forever in the magical world of the Labyrinth, instead of returning to reality… Not that I think Sarah made the wrong decision, I mean she did have Toby to think about after all.

His room

Today has been one week since Bryan left for Europe, although it feels more like 1 year. Getting use to him not being around has been different then I thought it would be, no better or worse, just different. Perth seems like a different place without him around, a sadder place where everywhere I go a memory with Bryan surfaces until I manage to push it from my mind and focus on something else. It’s kind of been working too. But not today.

Today I’ve been thinking a lot about his room, one of my favourite places to be in this world. I’ve moved house 3 times in the last 4 years and that whole time Bryan’s room has remained the same (Except for the ever-growing amount of wonderful trinkets). His room has been one of the only constants in my life for a long time, a place where I can feel safe and happy. A place where we have had many nights of renting videos together, talking together, sleeping together, waking up with each other, eating, drawing, building lego, getting drunk, arguing, listening to music together… And now it feels like it’s gone, even though I know it’s still exactly the same as it was when I saw it last week.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Saturday as usual...

Saturday Night was spent going to an old friends 21st, catching up with my highschool chums, drink midori and lemonade, going to the Moon and Sixpence in the city to drink and be merry, followed by Amps where the door man let us cut the line because Emma told him he should feel sorry for her because her boyfriend is in England, sitting down in the outside section for the majority of the night because my new heels were sucking the souls out of my feet, Fast Eddys for breakfast and then a taxi home where I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Sinead had a pretty bow in her hair
Kerry, Em and Rhys...
The Birthday girl herself
Rhys & Brendan
Lana Bear with her infectious smile
