Showing posts with label About Friends and Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About Friends and Family. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Delight Of A Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday and being that birthdays are traditionally meant to be celebrated, I gathered up my small but wonderful group of friends here in Toronto and decided to hit the town for some drinks, food and laughs.

Let us see how the night went...

This is how I looked for the evening as I set of to start the night at Pour Boy on Manning avenue.

Where I met up with Sam, Liam, Bryan & Sinead.

We ordered mass amounts of Sangria.

After a while we decided it was time to eat.

And so a little lighter in the head we walked on to Guu Restaurant on Bloor Street.

Where the staff all affectionately yell at you as you walk in.

We decided that since everything on the menu looked so good that we would order a bit of everything and share.

The lovely Stephanie joined us at Guu.

The food was terribly delicious!

My lovely friends ordered me some birthday shots and got the whole restaurant to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me- which is possibly one of the sweetest things ever!

I got a nice crown and we decided it was time to move on somewhere else for some more drinks.

That 'somewhere else' ended up being an Irish Pub where we spent the rest of the night being ridiculous, singing some karaoke and having an all around merry time!

And so concludes my 23rd Birthday!

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Awesome Foursome

When I first decided that I was going to move to Canada a part of me wondered if I was going to be able to make it for longer then a few months before I caved and for one reason or another would go back to Australia.

Although living abroad has not been without its moments of me wanting to go home, for the most part I have found it easier then I thought I would, which I accredit mostly to the fact that I moved here with some of the most wonderful people I know- My beautiful twin sister Emmily, the cynical but hilarious Neil and of course one of my oldest amigos, the lovely Sinead who I now live in Toronto with.

Even though in large parts we were all so different, something about us as a group just worked so nicely and it made being away from home all the more easier. Not to say things in our household were always smooth sailing, looking back though some of the things we would argue about were so ridiculous that it makes it even funnier when I think back to it now.

I'm usually dripping with pangs of nostagia in some form most of the time when I have too much time to ponder, but damn do I miss those days sometimes... Oh and for the record we never called ourselves the awesome foursome and I imagine that they are all going to cringe when they read that title- especially Neil (-:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Happy Thursday Morning Folks! Oh how lovely it is to wake up to the bright sunshine streaming through my window, as opposed to grey clouds and rain- definitely makes it easier to start the day and spring out of bed with a smile.

Firstly I just wanted to say a massive thank you for everybody's terribly lovely comments on the Laundry Days photo shoot that I recently posted, they made me and Sinead so happy to read them- What can I say, we are suckers for flattery!

Secondly, on a recent mass scale delete through my email account I came across the funniest photo that one of my friends from Perth made a few years ago. It was originally suppose to be the design for a shirt we were making for our friend's going away party at the time, but the shirt never manifested and instead we just put it in a card instead.

Looking at it reminds me of being nineteen and spending the weekends at Amplifier Bar in Perth, our head's swirling with various chemicals and dancing like possessed cats until the sun came up- Ahhh to be nineteen again.

Does anybody else have some lovely teenage memories they would like to share and keep me amused with? Eh eh?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Oh My Papa...

With the click of my fingers we find ourselves at Friday again, oh how time does fly. And on that note, I thought I would share some belated photo's from my father's fiftieth birthday dinner that actually took place when I went back home these last Christmas holidays, but I have been terribly lazy and have kept them hidden away until now.

So now while I nurse my hangover suffering self back into some state of normalcy, lets all take a stroll down my memory lane...

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Picture Of...

For this Sunny but cold Friday I have decided to do A Picture Of Montage- which I have seen cropping up on an abundance of blogs from all over the world. But since it is a Friday and my creativity and originality levels are nil, it will have to do. So now come along for a journey through time and space...

A Picture of You.

A Picture of someone you spend a lot of time with.

A Picture of a place you love.

A Picture of your siblings.

A Picture of something that makes you happy.

A Picture of your best friend of the opposite sex.

A Picture of great times.

A Picture of somebody that you miss.

An old picture of you.

A Picture of somebody you used to see a lot but now do not.

A Picture that makes you laugh.

A Picture of you when you were happy.

A Picture of one of your favourite foods.

A Picture of one of your favourite vacations.

A Picture of someone you can tell everything to.

A Picture taken in a Photobooth.

A Picture of you on your Birthday.

A Picture of you when your hair was different to now.

A Picture you have never posted on your blog.

A Picture of your favourite place.

A Picture of a great night.