Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Panic On The Streets Of London

A few months ago my dear sister Emmily surprised me with perhaps one of the nicest presents I have ever received- A return ticket to London this November! Which although I have been quietly anticipating this trip ever since, it has just felt so far away for so long that part of me thought November would never come. But now with the beginning of October, also brings only 5 short weeks until I shall be jet setting my way to the swinging city of London for the first time ever! Plus a four day trip to the dreamy city of Old Paree...

To say I'm excited would be the understatement of the century, perhaps the more suitable phrase would be 'over the moon' ecstatic! Soon I shall be strolling along the Seine River with the two of the finest people I know, shopping in the hip Camden Town, drinking wine in the many cafes of Montmarte and dancing until my feet hurt in the night spots of London. Ahhh blissful times ahead indeed...


  1. lucky biatchhh.... wish i was going with yas xxx jld

  2. I look forward to pics!

  3. Oh mes patates douces ont un temps le plus magique à vieux Paris romantique doux, vous aiment que les filles apprécient vos aventures ensemble et embrassent Sinead pour moi.


Thankyou for your comments- they brighten up my day (-: