Friday, May 6, 2011

Our Own Private Idaho

As I recently sat staring enviously at my neighbours balconies and thinking of all the nice summer time moments they would soon be having on them, I was struck with a stroke of genius and figured that the rooftop outside my bedroom window would make a perfect balcony substitute.

And so last night before heading to the Cameron House on Queen Street to watch our friend Beth Moore belt out a few tunes, it was the roof tops that myself and Sinead retreated to to enjoy the sunset and shoot the breeze.

We got to see how birds see everything for a while

Then it was time to crawl back through the window and head to the Cameron House

Where we met up with a recently hair cropped Bryan who was feeling camera shy

And enjoy the musical musings of Beth Moore

And so was my Thursday Night


  1. Looks like a great Thursday night!

  2. Well I think that looks like a spiffy Thursday that you had xxx loves xxxx

  3. That rooftop is awesome, and you look really pretty!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  4. I love your "balcony substitute". I wish my room had something like that as well. You are pretty on the photos, as always. XX

  5. bryans hair looks awesome..... me likes. very charming

  6. I want a thursday night like yours!! :)

  7. Love these fun photos. And I love ur wide legged jeans.

  8. Haha lovely, sitting on the roof and smoking..


  9. the rooftop looks like such a good place to take pictures - i remember when i was really young me & my friends would climb out onto the roof of the porch outside my window and spend our time ringing boys, haha :)
    you look amazing in that final picture, btw! xx


Thankyou for your comments- they brighten up my day (-: